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  • FemEng in Botswana

Day 4

Tuesday started with us heading back to Francistown Airport in the hopes of retrieving the lost luggage. Luckily, we were finally able to pick it up, meaning we now all had an air mattress to ourselves. 🙂

We then set off for Masunga Senior Secondary School (SSS), which is about an hour and a half north of Francistown, close to the Zimbabwean border. When we arrived, we were greeted by a very large trophy cabinet in the reception area. From here, we met the headteacher, who showed us to a meeting room full of science teachers and the school management board. We discussed our plans for the workshops and arranged timings with the teachers.

All the teachers were very welcoming and forgiving of our lateness :/. They were keen to learn more about the project's goals and acknowledged that more work was needed to promote STEM to young girls. The teachers also could see the importance of providing as many students as possible with the opportunity to attend these workshops due to the interactive teaching style.

After the meeting concluded, Tepson, a biology teacher at the school, and a couple of other teachers gave us a tour of the campus. We learned that the school is one of the highest-performing in the country, and it was easy to see why. From the classrooms we visited, we saw that all the students were not only very talented but also dedicated to their work and studies. My personal highlight was visiting one of the art classrooms; the paintings and sketches done by the students were incredible and belonged in an art gallery.

Back at the house, we had a chill evening, allowing us all to get to know each other better. A few of the girls made dinner, and then we played card games.

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