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About Us


FemEng is a student-led female engineering society at the University of Glasgow that aims to inspire, support and empower women in engineering. International outreach projects are one of our main initiatives, with previous projects in Rwanda, Malawi, Kenya and most recently Botswana.

In June 2024, we are excited to continue this legacy and compliment the success of previous projects with FemEng in Botswana. A team of eight FemEng students will travel to Botswana for 3 weeks to collaborate with 4 schools to achieve common goals and fulfil our main objective of encouraging women and children to pursue an interest and eventually a career in STEM. This will be achieved by delivering a range of skill-based workshops to the schools, providing insight into different engineering disciplines. Not only will our workshops help young children to acquire basic engineering skills from an early age, but the sustainable impact of our project will address the socio-economic inequality of women in engineering, help remove the barriers to social inclusion, and increase the number of women taking further education in STEM-related fields. We hope to bring more diversity into STEM and engineering.


We want to establish a long-term relationship with our parters and therefore are returning for a second year. We aspire to continue building on this project for a number of years, with the programme reaching a wider community after our departure by collaborating with the University of Botswana and helping build the foundations for their own FemEng committee. 


 Previous projects have successfully reached over 5000 children, with the impact of FemEng in Rwanda increasing the number of applications to STEM subjects at the University of Rwanda by over 50% within the first year of the project alone. The project will also include industry visits to local engineering companies, enabling partner students and school pupils to gain industry experience and establish contacts and connections for their future.

As well as benefitting local communities in Botswana, University of Glasgow FemEng students will benefit from the opportunity to travel abroad as part of an international team project, experiencing a different culture while furthering their academic and professional engineering experience. The project will allow FemEng students to apply our passion for engineering while inspiring young people to build a better future through studies and careers in engineering, through an international scale project that benefits the wider community.

FemEng Botswana 2023 Team
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